Who we are
Founded by Brett Selwitz in West Palm Beach, Florida in 1996, Great American Sign was the market leader in signs and vehicle graphics. Vinyl graphics and small scale digital graphics were the way it was done. Fast forward to 2005, Brett and Steve Carro team up to relocate Great American Sign to Knoxville, Tennessee to again take the lead, this time expanding into vehicle wrapping and GAS Wraps was born. Large format printers were the new state of the art tool of the trade and GAS Wraps had the biggest and the best in the market. The first official wrap done by GAS Wraps was a Zamboni for the local pro hockey team the Ice Bears and that was all it took!
As with all tasks that take great precision, mastering the craft takes training, and a whole lot of trial and error. Brett and Steve attended wrap training classes to refine and hone various skills needed in the industry including designing wraps, sizing to fit vehicles properly, digital printing, and installation. The training paid off and the wrap business grew, so much so that we had to expand into our current 5000 sq. ft. climate controlled location. As the market for vehicle wrapping expanded so did the need for more advanced vehicle wrap training. In recent years our staff has attended numerous industry provided wrap classes instructed by the Wrap Institute to sharpen our skills. Advanced training includes certification exams of both product knowledge and advanced installation technique. Gas Wraps is currently one of the only Avery Certified Wrap Installers in the East Tennessee region.